Return on the right path of Islam..obey ALLAH......
read the Quran....
Follow the Prophet Mohammad Sallahu Alehi Wassalam.....
and InshaALLAH u will enter the gates of Heaven!!!
Oh ALLAH, I have no money, but I have You. I am rich.
Oh ALLAH, I have no freedom, but I believe in You. I am free.
Oh ALLAH, I have no patience, but I read Your Quran. I am calm.
Oh ALLAH, I get no respect, but You listen to my dua. I am proud.
Oh ALLAH, I have no time, but I think of Jannah. I have forever.
Oh ALLAH, I have much time, but I look at Your Signs. I have today.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so weak, but I fast in Ramadan. I am strong.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so tired, but I make dua. I open my eyes.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so dirty, but I repent to You. I am cleansed.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so depressed, but I remember you. I am at peace.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so lost, but I follow Your Commands. I am safe.
Oh ALLAH, nobody listens, but You never turn your back on me. I am grateful.
Oh ALLAH, my heart breaks, but I imagine meeting You. My heart finds rest.
Oh ALLAH, I cry every night, but I make wudu. I wash away my tears.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so alone, but I pray to You. I have everything.
" If ALLAH helps you, none can overcome you. And if He forsakes you, then who is there after Him who will help you? And let in ALLAH (alone) the believers put their trust. " [ The Holy Quran, chapter 3, verse 160 ]
follow this mantra......
The shortest distance btween a problem n a its solution is da distance between ur knee n da floor.da 1 who kneels to ALLAH TA'ALA can stand up to any thing
these r the rules of ma lyf.....
Happy Moments - PRAISE ALLAH
Difficult Moments- SEEK ALLAH
Quiet Moments - WORSHIP ALLAH
Painful Moments - TRUST ALLAH
Moment By Moment - THANK ALLAH