Wajid Akhtar
Artist Biography: Wajid Akhtar was born in July 1984 and raised in Sheffield, in the North of England. He comes from a devout Muslim family of Asian origin. From a young age he had a desire for becoming an ‘MC’ (rap star) like many of the youth today. Soon after he had left school he faced many challenges in his life where he lost two of his close friends who both died tragically and at a very young age. This was a very crucial time in Wajid’s life and he felt very withdrawn from society and became drawn into the world of Islam. Despite his passion for becoming an MC, Wajid traveled to Makkah where he made the pilgrimage. It was sometime after his return from Makkah that he began to write and sing many of his own nasheeds. He then went onto to perform his nasheeds locally and was met with very positive feedback. He then took this a step further and was given the opportunity to record his debut album “Show Me the Way” which was released in September 2008, along with his debut video “I Need Your Help” The album and video have been met with much Critical Acclaim and have become recognised internationally. Wajid then went onto perform with The Kaiser Chiefs at the LMHR 2008; this was to a huge audience of whom the majority were Non – Muslim. He feels that this has now given him an opportunity to express and invite people to the call of Islam through his singing and thought provoking lyrics. Wajid now wishes to share his God given talent and hybrid vocals with the rest of the world. Total Lyrics from this artist on Islamic Lyrics: 1 Lyrics Artist Website: http://www.WajidAkhtar.com/
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